Training Team Newsletter Issue 3 – July to September 2019
Details of all upcoming training courses are shown on the last page, including Young Leader Training and Fast Track 9. But we are also putting on sessions on things such as “How to complete a DBS for someone” and “How to make the most of OSM”
Following responses from when I sent out Issues 1 and 2 I did inform the relevant Districts to remove those of you who stated you were no longer involved in Scouting so I am hoping you don’t get it this time 😊. However, there may now be more of you no longer involved. If this applies to you please let me know and I can arrange to get your details removed from the system.
One of the frequent responses I got from the last two newsletters, was that people getting these emails weren’t leaders, they were parent helpers. You will be receiving this email as you are down as an Occasional Helper with the group/section and will have gone through the DBS process, therefore your details are on the system and this email goes to every adult registered within Greater Manchester North. Please don’t panic and think we are going to force you into attending training, however if you feel you would like to take take on a different role, such as Sectional Assistant, please let your Section Leaders know and they can point you in the right direction.
Further to this, if you hear anyone saying they haven’t received the email, can you please advise them to check their email address on Compass. I know we have over 130 leaders registered on the system without email addresses!
Stacey White
Course Administrator