Flamingo Land Trip 5th October 2019
We have a trip to Flamingo Land on Saturday 5th October for cubs, scouts.
The cost of the trip is £40 each this covers the cost of the transport and ticket price.
Please could you return the slip below with £10 deposit before 19th July with final payment by the 20th September.
Meeting details will be sent out nearer the date on the day you will need
• Cubs & Scouts & Explorers need to be in uniform
• a waterproof coat
• A packed lunch with drinks, all in disposable containers (saves carrying all day)
• Spending monies max £10 everything is expensive
• Beavers and Cubs will be with leaders during the day. Scouts will be allowed to go in small groups so we need Scouts to bring a mobile phone with credit on if they have one so they can stay in contact with leaders during the day.
• Please provide any medication needed for travel sickness or any other condition
For more info contact Barry